25 Employee Engagement Questions To See If They’re Enthused About Their Work

Want to know if your employees are engaged with their work, the company or maybe even you?
Ask them these questions/statements as part of an employee survey of some kind;
1. (Company name) is a great place to work
2. I have not looked for another job (external) in the last 3 months
3. I am happy with what I am responsible for
4. I get paid a fair salary for what I do
5. On a scale of 1 to 5 how happy are you at work?
6. I’m proud to work for (Company name)
7. I see myself having a career here
8. I have confidence in my line manager
9. I have confidence in the senior leaders within the business
10. I understand the company vision and where I fit in
11. I look forward to coming to work each day
12. I have the opportunity to grow and develop here
13. I have the resources I need to do my job to a high standard
14. I receive more praise than corrective feedback
15. I don’t feel hard done by from the company
16. Do you feel valued at work?
17. We are committed to quality in all that we do
18. I feel I have a say and can contribute here
19. My line manager supports me
20. My line manager is someone I admire
21. Do you feel everyone respects each other who work here
22. I go the extra mile for the company
23. I happily go out of my way to more than what is expected
24. I am regularly coached rather than just told what to do
25. Do you look forward to coming to work?
Run anonymous employee opinion surveys with automated reporting with Feedo. Choose from the surveys already built into the system, amend them, or use your own. Don’t use separate systems for you staff survey needs. Feedo will do it all for you…