What Is Feedo

What Is Feedo?

It’s the answer to all of your feedback needs!


What Is Feedo?

It’s the answer to all of your feedback needs!


Gather Feedback And Improve Performance

You can’t improve what you can’t measure!

Feedo is the tool that enables you to measure a whole host of performance improvement and engagement feedback.

Most systems are clunky for both user and admin, Feedo is different. It’s been designed by L&D and HR professionals instead of programmers.

Here’s what Feedo can help you with:

• 360 Degree Feedback
• 180 Degree Feedback
• Employee Satisfaction Survey
• Training Needs Analysis
• Automated “Happy Sheets”
• Culture Checks

Please contact us today to discuss your requirements or for a free demo.

Feedo Collage

A Quick Overview


Here are some of the organisations who have used
Feedo for some or all of the 6 unique features

How Can Feedo Help You?

Select as many modules as you like. Pay per report or by subscription.
Self manage
your own campaigns or we can manage them for you.

360 Degree Feedback

Gather feedback for your leaders from
their line manager, staff and peers.

180 Degree Feedback

Usually completed by the employee
and their line manager.

Staff Satisfaction

Ideal for staff surveys, company-wide
employee satisfaction. Anonymous.

Training Feedback Forms

No more happy sheets. Completely automated with detailed reporting.

Training Needs Analysis

Gather training requirements with the use of this tool. Identify trends and needs.

Quick Temperature Check

Use this for a quick happy/sad or “how are we?” survey. Gain instant insights.

Get In Touch

Please call us on 0333 320 2883

Alternatively, please complete our enquiry form below or email us at info@feedo.com and we’ll get back to you.