8 Wellbeing & Resilience Infographics That You Can Use

Mental Illness Can Be Invisible
Please take mental health seriously!
For yourself and for others. It’s an invisible killer. Someone’s inner world does not equal their outer world. You might see someone as happy on the “outside” when they are really suffering on the inside.
Less assuming and more understanding and checking in with others (and yourself)
The Warning Signs Of Burnout
Burnout can creep up on us all. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt?
It’s a horrible, horrible place.
Use this image to identify the tell-tale signs.
We’d hate true burnout to ever happen to any of you.
8 Dimensions Of Wellness
Monitor your well-being very closely. If you don’t then it may creep up and hit you over the head with a sledge hammer!
Here are 8 areas to always keep a close eye on.
On a regular basis take just 5 minutes to go over each and give yourself a score out of 10.
Notice any areas that are cause for concern and then take ACTION or get some support from others.
Workplace Health Model
Well-being in the workplace is more prevalent than at any time in history, but how can you implement a workplace well-being strategy?
Here are some initial ideas and thought starters…
The 6 Domains Of Resilience
We could all do with better resilience skills to cope with today’s demands…
The Wellbeing Mind Map
A quick brainstorm about looking after your well-being.
We really like it, hope you do too.
We can’t take credit for it though.
We came across an awful version of it with no attribution so got my team to “sex it up” a little!
7 Techniques For Resilience
6 Steps For Wellbeing
Identify and understand any issues and thoughts from your people before they become bigger issues and worse thoughts! Use Feedo to survey your people to make sure that their wellbeing is at the forefront of all that you do. From fully blown employee opinion surveys through to quick, temperature checks, you can use Feedo and create campaigns in just minutes with comprehensive, real time reporting.